AANA EVENT: Today’s Consumer, Tomorrow – MELBOURNE



It’s important for marketers to stay in touch with what’s in the hearts & minds of Australian consumers at a macro-level. Too often we fail to sit up and take a look at what is going on in the society around us. Understanding these human truths can often lead to new insights and different opportunities.

The AANA in partnership with GroupM hosted the event: Today’s Consumer, Tomorrow. Our guest speakers Hugh Mackay AO, social researcher & author, and Caitlin Lloyd, Group Strategy Director at Mindshare, challenged our existing assumptions & thinking and offer a new perspective on how to connect with the evolving consumer to build stronger brands.

As we continue to celebrate the AANA’s 90th year, Today’s Consumer, Tomorrow will be a fitting reminder that we should look over the horizon at the changes and challenges that face brand advertisers in the years ahead.

For six decades, Australia’s leading social researcher Hugh Mackay AO has been tracking the nation’s mind and mood and has collaborated with Caitlin Lloyd, Group Strategy Director, Mindshare to re-imagine through fresh eyes the ever-accelerating rate of change, and its effect on tomorrow’s consumer.

Register now for this not-to-be-missed vision of the emerging consumer marketing landscape. Where we are today and crucially, what tomorrow might bring.



VENUE: NAB, The Bowl Room, 500 Bourke Street, Melbourne. See location map here.

To see the details for the event Today’s Consumer, Tomorrow in Sydney, click here.