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AANA’s Public and Regulatory Affairs Committee actively engages and supports the development of industry codes ensuring that they reflect community standards and industry best practices.

The committee meets monthly and brings together Australia’s top corporate affairs professionals to evolve the AANA’s gold star self-regulatory system. This Committee helps drive the AANA’s unified voice for brands to Federal and State Governments, regulators, and the wider community.

The Media Forum has been convened under the authority of the AANA and MFA to facilitate an open debate, discussion and the exchanging of views and information on media challenges and opportunities faced by Media Communications Agencies and Clients.  

Central to the group’s purpose will be identifying areas where there is common ground and the industry bodies are able work together to resolve issues with a greater chance of success. 

This Forum will also be able to table and discuss issues and garner feedback and opinion to inform conversations being held or championed by the respective industry bodies on their own. 

In context with the Board’s direction to create the AANA Marketing Capability Pillar, with the overall intent to help members drive growth, an Advisory Panel is being established to provide oversight & input to capabilities strategy and direction relative to reflecting members’ capability needs.


  1. Provide input to the learning design including curriculum priorities, primary targets and delivery formats

  2. Identify key factors for success and significant watch outs

  3. Be a sounding board for ideas and decisions as the project progresses

  4. Give or recommend subject matter expertise to best practice concepts, tools and processes