Are we there yet?
Transparency in the Australian digital supply chain; results of AANA Method Media Intelligence test.
10 months on from the PWC/ISBA programmatic study, the AANA and MMI conducted a limited test of the adtech supply chain with 3 major AANA members. We share the results & explore the challenges and opportunities that remain, whilst demonstrating how advertisers can get visibility of their own supply chain. Finally we discuss the implications of our findings for advertisers relative to the 6 proposals outlined in the ACCC Ad Tech Inquiry interim report. What role will they play? Will they help?
Test results & key findings will be presented by MMI’s Shailin Dhar (Founder & CEO) followed by a discussion with Gai Le Roy (CEO, IAB), Chris Graham (Head of Global Media Accountability & Sourcing, McDonald’s), Amanda Nazar (Group Manager, Digital Marketing, Telstra), and Phil Pollock (COO Programmatic, Social & Search, Omnicom Media Group).
View a recording of this event here:
The AANA|MMI report for general release can be accessed here:
Founder & CEO, MMI
Head of Global Media Accountability & Sourcing, McDonald’s
Group Manager, Digital Marketing, Telstra
Programmatic, Social, Search, Omnicom Media Group