On 25 March 2014, the AANA hosted the first inaugural Great Australian Marketing Awards (The GRAMAs) which celebrates Australian marketing contributions to a global landscape in three key areas:
This invitation-only event, in its fourth year, assembled over 120 of the most senior advertising and marketing communications executives in Australia.
AANA CONNECT provided the stage for the biggest names in marketing to share insights into how they have built their brands, what has worked, and what hasn’t, in an environment of rapid change.
Chief Marketing Officers and other industry leaders discussed how businesses have fundamentally changed in an increasingly fragmented media environment, with a stronger focus on accountability, ROI, and an enduring shift of power to the consumer.
26 March 2014 – Inaugural winners named at last night’s Great Australian Marketing Awards – Marketing Magazine
25 March 2014 – Australian marketing power: Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Mondelez win GRAMA gongs – AdNews
20 March 2014 – AANA announces finalists for each of the Great Australian Marketing Awards – Campaign Brief
20 March 2014 – GRAMA finalists named – Coke, Fruit Ninja and Nick Law all on the list – AdNews
20 February 2014 – Time to recognise homegrown strategic talent and leadership: AANA – Marketing Magazine
19 February 2014 – Ugg Boots, Tim Tams and Speedos: All Australian, all huge on the global stage – AdNews
4 November 2013 – AANA introduces awards to celebrate Australian marketing talent – AdNews