Pressure on advertisers is increasing as bad news travels faster, and content that once seemed “right” turns into a huge controversy within hours. The AANA Codes, guidelines and principles set the foundation for ethical advertising and late last year was a time of evolution and setting benchmarks.

Laptop in classic library with books in background seriesTo align your marketing, legal or public & regulatory affairs teams with up-to-date marketing governance, we would like to invite you and your team to a session on the latest changes and the key issues to consider when creating advertising, marketing and public relations communications.

In 60 minutes you’ll learn:

  • Best practice guidance on the Code of Ethics
  • How the AANA Codes apply to public relations material and user-generated content
  • Responsible Marketing Communications in the Digital Space
  • Native Advertising Principles
  • Ad|Check – an AANA Member service and how you can use it
  • What’s on the self-regulatory horizon

The training session is free for AANA members and can be tailored to focus on the key issues for your audience (such F&B advertising or marketing to children). Please contact Marit if you would like to take up this opportunity:

Marit Andersen
Regulatory Affairs Manager