A new study by the WFA has highlighted the need to look beyond the cult of the CMO as the person with ultimate wisdom in all the complex areas that now affect the role.

New global study: Emphasis of CMO role must be on effectively leading multi-faceted teams

A new study by the World Federation of Advertisers, WFA, in partnership with research agency 2CV and 28 national advertiser associations around the world, has highlighted the need to look beyond the cult of the CMO as the person with ultimate wisdom in all the complex areas that now affect the role.

Marketers typically have responsibilities ranging across an average of nine distinct areas, from marketing strategy (79%) through to data ethics (34%), business growth (58%) through to sustainability (37%). Team capabilities, and the softer skills needed to effectively lead, are increasingly critical for an ever-expanding remit.The report highlights

  • Challenges CMOs face
  • Skills required of the future marketer
  • Expectations of ‘unicorn marketer’
  • Insights on having longer term, sustainable impact
The search for the Unicorn Marketer involved responses from 683 senior marketers as well as in-depth interviews with marketing leaders at blue-chip brands such as AirAsia, Airbnb, Aston Martin, Diageo, Mastercard, Nissan and Unilever is the most international attempt yet to identify what will ensure marketing can thrive in companies of all geographies.