Get set for another big year across our industry. To support you, the AANA also promises a big year of content & activities that will equip every marketer with capability, insights and thought leadership to tackle the opportunities ahead.
Our vision is to foster a professional marketing community & thriving marketing industry which will deliver both personal and business growth.
To help with this the AANA is expanding its team to include the new role of Membership Engagement Director and I am pleased to announce that Sue Zerk, former CMO 21st Century Fox and AANA member joined us in January. Sue’s primary focus is to continuously optimise our member value proposition so that it remains current and relevant to your needs and in doing so, help expand the AANA’s representation across the industry into new categories and market segments. Please join me in welcoming Sue. Sue can be reached at
The other purpose of this email is to share our 2021 program of content & events via this link. Take a look.
It promises a full year of in person and virtual activities. Highlights include
- Our successful capability program, offering the Brand Masters Program live in Sydney and Melbourne and the Dynamic Marketing Program online across the year. Remember members can access all modules as a member benefit other than a nominal registration fee. Take advantage of this value. Registrations are open now.
- The AANA Peer Group Programs are back after very positive feedback from the 2020 program. We’ll be running two shorter programs to better fit your availability.
- Our popular senior marketer dinner series, A Place at the Table, is back with big thanks to Val Morgan, AANA Industry Member. Exact dates to be confirmed but we will be hosting these in both Sydney & Melbourne.
- AANA Masterclasses and other industry thought leadership & advocacy events are planned throughout the year, again in both Melbourne & Sydney. Pandemic restrictions permitting, all these will planned to be hybrid events where you get the choice of attending in person or online.
- Where we believe content is relevant to our members, the AANA will also support events hosted by our industry partners. We will offer invitations to you to attend throughout the year.
- Our free training to all members on Self Regulation is available throughout the year. Train your team on what they need to know, what’s new and what great looks like. We tailor our program to your industry, your needs and your location.
- Finally, there’s the big one! Save the date because RESET 2021 is pencilled in for Wed 10th November. We received tremendous feedback about the new format and revised date for RESET 2020. Many said “best ever.” So we are now busy starting work on this year’s hybrid event.
The program calendar is designed to give you a clear view of events & activities for 2021. Granted and due to COVID, we will have to be flexible with some of the dates and formats. But we share this with you early so that you can plan ahead. And it goes without saying; we would love to hear from you if there is something missing or you have a good idea for future content (contact or
Best wishes for 2021.
John Broome