One of marketing’s earliest prophets of “disruption”, going back to the, wait for it, 1990s, is TBWA global chairman Jean-Marie Dru and he’s set to headline the “Reset” conference in October for the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA).
Another rather provocative chap, RG/A’s global creative boss Nick Law, who featured on AdNews’’ March 21 cover, is in the AANA’s line-up. “Advertising is eating itself,” Law declared earlier this year in our print edition, casting massive doubt on the new promised land of targeted, relevant digital ads. “It doesn’t matter if there is a perfect ad at the perfect time to the perfect person. If it’s the twenty-thousandth ad they’ve seen that day it really doesn’t matter.” Indeed.
Along with Dru and Law, the AANA has lined up another five international big wigs, including Vice Media’s Hosi Simon. In typical Vice style, Simon will front the issue of whether brands are “making content young people give a shit about”. Our hunch? Shit no.
Sherilyn Shackell, founder and CEO of the UK-based Marketing Academy, which is stirring much interest among Australian marketing bosses at present, is the other speaker announced so far for the forum on October 21.
Dru’s keynote will cover whether “disruption thinking is achievable in a landscape shaped by complexity and rapid change”. Good question. Not sure it can be answered. Dru will know.
And the Marketing Academy’s Sherilyn Shackell is addressing one of the biggest challenges for brand marketing teams: the skills gap between established marketing leadership and emerging talent now coming through the system.
AANA CEO Sunita Gloster said: “We took our member feedback and designed the Reset conference to deliver content that would benefit marketers in their planning cycle.”