🔒 |  Download the World Federation of Advertiser’s The Future of Data Driven Marketing Report to get the advertisers’ perspective

Confused about what the end of cookies & tracking means for digital marketing?

Download the World Federation of Advertiser’s The Future of Data Driven Marketing Report to get the advertisers’ perspective

With 60% share of the digital market, last week’s announcement that Google will follow the demise of the cookie with a ban on tracking users across the web has got marketers questioning the future of data led marketing.

Targeted advertising is under increasing pressure and the biggest technology companies have publicly signalled a move towards less tracking and more privacy for their consumers. As advertisers re-assess their approach to data-driven marketing, the WFA encourages advertisers to consider a value- and ethics-led approach which looks at the best outcome for their business as much as their consumers and the broader society.

opt-in introduced by Apple

This report outlines some of the emerging debates and concerns which are likely to shape the future of data-driven marketing and lay the foundations for some important discussions and debates on how to build a sustainable future for data-driven marketing.

Unsure of what this means, what a FLoC is or how useful third party data will be in the future? Download the report or access it from your Members Documents to find out more.