Major review of the AANA Environmental Claims Code gets underway

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) has launched a major public review of the Environmental Claims Code

inviting the community, advertisers and other stakeholders to have a say about the rules that apply to environmental claims in advertising.

AANA CEO Joshua Faulks said that regulation of environmental claims is in sharp focus in Australia with growing community concern about climate change, the environment, and environmental claims.

“There is no doubt the community and regulators are looking more closely at environmental claims. The ground in shifting and it is time for a comprehensive review of the Environmental Claims Code to make sure it reflects community standards and international best practice”, said Mr Faulks.

“Most advertisers want to do the right thing. Where they are taking genuine steps to reduce their impact on the environment, they should be able to say so. The purpose of this review is to develop a set of clear principles to ensure that all Australian advertisers apply rigorous standards when making environmental claims and to increase community trust in the claims appearing in advertising”, he said.

The Environmental Claims Code has been a part of Australia’s advertising industry’s self-regulatory system since 2009 and complements Australia’s consumer protection laws.

The review process will consider new standardised measures and restrictions on environmental claims being introduced globally, national environmental schemes and Australian Government regulatory activities, and the views of both the Australian community and industry.

“Consultation is central to the evolution and design of our self-regulatory codes. We look forward to engaging broadly and meaningfully with industry and the community and invite any interested party to make a submission”, Mr Faulks said.

AANA has released a Discussion Paper to promote dialogue with stakeholders and stimulate informed input to the review. Submissions will be accepted until 5pm Friday 24 February 2023.

Any complaints about issues that fall within the current Environmental Claims Code should be lodged with Ad Standards, Australia’s independent advertising complaints handling body.

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