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AANA Self-Reg training for members

Self-Regulation Training

The AANA conducts regular training sessions which highlight the latest changes and key issues to consider when creating advertising, marketing and public relations communication. Self-Regulation Codes & Guidelines Reviews &…

Did advertising cause the climate Crisis?

…way responsible for the boat being overloaded and sinking. Catherine Bowe from Meta hit back; “The onus is on us, the advertisers to confront the undeniable truth. Advertising has caused…

Membership Fees

and all expenditure relating to producing and publishing advertising and marketing for the purpose of promoting your goods and/or services anywhere in Australia. Membership is 12 months from date of…

The Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of the AANA self-regulatory system

Code of Ethics & Practice Note

…all the changes to the reviewed and refreshed AANA Code of Ethics and accompanying Practice Note, and what they mean to the creation of new ads. Some of the key…

RECMA Domestic Report

…data and content resources, international coordination) and client portfolio (client stability, nbr of big and local clients, dependency on top 3 clients). Download the report here Download the summary here…

The Marketing Academy Australia

…are highly selective and delivered free of charge. The Marketing Academy’s unique program complements the AANA’s continued commitment to the elevation of marketing as a profession, and we are delighted…

Facebook and the Future of Marketing

…Solutions at Facebook In this presentation, Carolyn explored the challenges and opportunities of the digital era for people, businesses and marketers worldwide. View photos and read more about the event….